The Black Cat Bookshop by E. M. McConnell | Disabled Queer Fantasy - Paperbacks & Frybread Co.

The Black Cat Bookshop by E. M. McConnell | Disabled Queer Fantasy

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"The bookshop offers people knowledge, and it feeds from what you learn. But everyone must make a payment for the knowledge they have taken. Even you, Brandon. Even you."


An entity was born into smoke and rage, a destructive force that was bound into a Bookshop, sentient, feral, and hungry. It offers knowledge and power, enough to fulfil their wildest dreams, but there is always a price. Payment will always be due.


This book follows four characters, all seeking the bookshop for different reasons: Rachel, Matthew, Lucy and Brandon. The Black Cat Bookshop is a Gothic Horror story that explores what it is to find knowledge, and if it is really worth the price, in the end.

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