The War in the Heavens: Breaking the Chains of Generational Curses by Gem C Collie | Black Self Help - Paperbacks & Frybread Co.

The War in the Heavens: Breaking the Chains of Generational Curses by Gem C Collie | Black Self Help

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The War in the Heavens Breaking the Chains of Generational Curses" by Jamaican author Gem C. Collie examines the psychological effects of generational victimization in contemporary times.

The book exposes perpetual inherited mistreatment due to the constant battle one goes through to fight for individuality against collectivism, social norms, and culture. Through vivid descriptions and powerful storytelling, the author takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and healing, encouraging them to confront their wounded shadows.

By exposing the complex emotions and behaviors that are passed down through generations, the book offers readers a choice: to continue perpetuating the cycle of generational curses or to break free and create a better future for themselves and their loved ones. Ultimately, this work is a powerful call to action for anyone seeking liberation from the chains of their past.

Collie's exploration of this abuse and manipulation is particularly relevant in today's society, where the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations is stronger than ever. The author delves deep into her characters' psyche, revealing how past traumas and injustices can shape a person's identity and beliefs. Through her characters' struggles, Collie shows us the power of self-reflection and the importance of breaking free from the patterns of the past. This book is not just a story, but a tool for personal growth and transformation.

This book like its author is a gem, a true find,
It exposes generational victimization in kind,
People fighting for individuality, it's a battle,
Against culture, and collective chattel.

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