The book has 52 pages, and is written in English and simplified Chinese. Pinyin is included to help you pronounce the Chinese characters correctly. In addition to the beautiful rhyming poem, you will learn bodies of water such as river, lake, creek, etc., and wetland/ocean animals such as penguin in English or Chinese. There is also a special section to help you learn Chinese Measure Words (exercises and answers are included).
别具一格的纯手工拼贴画绘本(共52页),生动有趣,色彩大胆,充满了想象力。儿童喜爱诵读的获奖押韵诗歌。 中英文,加注拼音。 学习各种水体名称如河,湖,海以及各种水栖动物的名字如企鹅,乌贼等等。学习中文特殊的语法"量词" 并附练习和答案。作者Alexandra Huynh 的诗歌和绘画曾荣获多项国际奖项。
Gold Medal Winner of 2023 Moonbeam Children's Book Award (ALEXWithStrawberries dot com).
此书荣获2023月光全美儿童书金奖 (ALEXWithStrawberries dot com)