The Story of Chissa by Warren Spence | Indigenous Folklore - Paperbacks & Frybread Co.

The Story of Chissa by Warren Spence | Indigenous Folklore

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When Chissa's grandmother sends him into town to sell the leather she's made from cow hide, he uses the money to buy himself a fancy kettle, a bullwhip and a harmonica.

Chissa's newfound wealth is the talk of the reserve, but the greedy Chief thinks Chissa must have stolen from him. When the Chief demands that Chissa give back his money, a clever Chissa uses his recently bought items to trick the Chief into giving him more money! The Chief is now intent on punishing Chissa by throwing him in the river. Will Chissa find a way to trick the Chief into letting him go?

The Story of Chissa is a trickster story that has been handed down six generations in the Ojibway oral narrative tradition. This is the first time it has appeared in print.

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